Known for making Skype headsets, Chinese company SkyNote is teasing with its prototype Alpha 680 netbook based on Google's Android platform. The device is conceived more as a larger smartphone-class device and has features that reflect the change: the screen is just 7 inches and has a resolution of 800x480, while the ARM11 processor clocks at just 533MHz. The 128MB of RAM can be doubled, while the 1GB of storage space is upgradeable to 4GB.
Features improve with integrated Wi-Fi, Ethernet, a pair of USB 2.0 ports and an SDHC card slot. There is mention of a 3G data modem, but no other details on it are known. The display will rotate on a double hinge so the netbook can act like a tablet, though the screen isn't likely to be touch-sensitive.
The best aspect of the SkyNote is its projected $100 price tag, though no dates are known for the netbook's release. If or when it arrives, the SkyNote will be available in pink, yellow, red, black and white. [via The Inquirer]
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